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  3. Service of replacement car

Service of replacement car







"Replacement car" service
Alin rental company takes care of its customers and offers to use the new "Replacement car" service for the period when your car is under repair.
What are the benefits of this service?
 - when repairing your car, you do not need to change your own plans;
 - you always stay mobile;
 - receiving a nice bonus in the form of a special price for customers under this program;
How to use this service?
 - call: 098 777 16 00 to the manager of Alin, who will always help you choose the best option for a car to replace;
 - draw up a relevant agreement;
 - get the keys to your chosen car
What necessary documents are required for this?
 ⁃ the list of documents for registration is minimal: only the originals of the passport and driver's license.
What is the time of registration of the car for this service?
 ⏱ registration of the contract and necessary documents will take approximately while drunk: coffee: a cup of coffee (up to 15 minutes)
Frequently asked questions from our clients:
 - How and where can I get my replacement car?

The most important thing for us is the comfort of the client, so you can get a car, both in our office and anywhere in Lviv
 - Does the price of renting a car for this service depend on the term of use?

This price is constant because it is a special partner offer
 - Are there any mileage restrictions on this lease?

The special price offer includes 350 km / day, what will be out of limit, is paid extra
