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How to Transport Children in a Car in Ukraine: 2025 Rules







Transporting children in a car is a concern for every responsible driver. The safety of young passengers during a trip is a priority, and for this reason, Ukrainian legislation establishes clear rules. In 2025, updated requirements for the use of child restraint systems continue to apply in Ukraine.


In this article, we will review the key changes, penalties for violations, provide practical tips on choosing a car seat, and debunk common myths.


How to transport children in a car in Ukraine


What has changed in traffic rules regarding child transportation in 2025?


📌 1. Age no longer matters – height is the key factor


Before 2021, restrictions applied to children under 12 years old. Now, the only requirement is that the child's height must be at least 150 cm. If the child is shorter, they must be seated in a special restraint system (car seat, booster).


📌 2. Children under 3 years old can be transported in the front seat, but with conditions:


- Only in a rear-facing car seat;

- The front airbag must be deactivated to prevent injury in case of deployment.


📌 3. Clear definition of child restraint systems (CRS)


Instead of the vague term "special means," it is now officially defined that a child restraint system (CRS) is equipment that ensures a child's safe positioning in a vehicle. It secures the child in a sitting or reclining position and reduces the risk of injury in sudden braking or an accident by limiting movement.


CRS includes:

- Car seats – the safest option. By the way, you can rent a car seat from us;

Child car seat

- Boosters – suitable only for children over 135 cm;


Booster seat


- ❌ Cushions, adapters, non-frame seats – dangerous and banned in Europe!


Non-frame seat


When can a child travel without a car seat?


Children's safety in transport is regulated by strict norms and primarily depends on the child's height. Age also matters, but the key factor remains the height of the young passenger.


Basic rules for transporting children in a car:


✔ Children taller than 150 cm

If a child reaches a height of 150 cm, they can travel in the front seat without a special restraint system (car seat or booster). At this height, standard seat belts provide sufficient protection.


✔ Children under 150 cm aged 3 years and older

If a child's height is below 150 cm, they may only travel in the back seats (second or third row, if available in the vehicle) and must be secured in a car seat or booster. Sitting in the front seat is strictly prohibited.


✔ Children under 3 years old

Infants under 3 years old can travel in the front seat only in a special rear-facing car seat. It is crucial to deactivate the front airbag to prevent injuries in case of an accident.


children in a car


What is the fine for transporting a child without a car seat in 2025?


⚠ The driver's responsibility for transporting a child without a CRS:


1. Fine for the first violation – 510 UAH.

2. Repeat violation within a year – 850 UAH.

3. If a child is injured in an accident due to the lack of a car seat, the driver may face criminal liability.


fine for transporting a child without a car seat


📌 Links to official documents:


- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1105 dated October 20, 2023

- Traffic Rules of Ukraine, Section 21


How to choose a child car seat?


1. Certification

Make sure the car seat has compliance certificates:

✅ ECE R44/04 or ECE R129 (i-Size) – these are international safety standards.


2. Suitability for the child's age and height

Car seats are divided into categories:

- Group 0+ (up to 13 kg, 40-85 cm) – for infants, installed rear-facing;

- Group 1 (9-18 kg, 80-105 cm) – for children from 9 months to 4 years;

- Group 2/3 (15-36 kg, 100-145 cm) – for children from 4 to 12 years.


car seat groups


Car seats in group 1/2/3 are universal and adapt to the child's growth. They combine functionality and safety, ensuring comfort during trips.


Key features of child seats in this group:


"Seat growth system" – an adjustment system that allows modifying the headrest height, side supports width, and backrest position according to the child's height.


Removable orthopedic inserts – special soft pads that ensure proper body positioning of the young passenger. As the child grows, these can be removed to free up space.


Adjustable internal safety belts – they change position as the child grows, ensuring optimal fixation and protection.


These car seats are an excellent choice for parents who want to use one model for as long as possible without needing to buy a new seat with every growth spurt. Safety, ergonomics, and adaptability make them a convenient and reliable long-term solution. 🚗👶


3. Type of attachment:


- Isofix – a more secure system if your car has the appropriate mounts;

- Seat belts – a universal option for all cars.


4. Additional features:


✔ Adjustable seat recline;
✔ Side protection;
✔ Five-point safety belts (for small children).


car seat for a car


The traffic regulations state that a child restraint system must be used in accordance with the instructions for both the seat and the car, and it must “match the weight and height of the child being transported.”


Common myths about transporting children


"You can hold the child in your arms"

✅ No! Even at a speed of 50 km/h in an accident, a child weighing 10 kg will "weigh" 300 kg – it is impossible to hold them.


"If driving slowly, a car seat is not necessary"

✅ No! Even at a speed of 30 km/h, sudden braking can seriously injure a child.


"A booster is just as safe as a car seat"

✅ No! A booster does not provide side impact protection, so it is suitable only for children over 135 cm.


Accident statistics involving children in Ukraine


Every year in Ukraine, more than 4,000 road accidents involving children are recorded. On average, 40–50 children lose their lives, and another approximately 3,000 suffer injuries of varying severity. Preliminary estimates suggest that every fifth child injured in a car accident was either not in a car seat or was improperly secured. The highest number of such cases occurs in large metropolitan areas and suburbs, where traffic is most intense.


According to international studies, the risk of fatal outcomes in an accident for an unrestrained child increases sixfold. Meanwhile, using a car seat reduces the risk of death by 70% and serious injuries by 96%.


traffic rules for transporting children


Despite this, a significant percentage of parents in Ukraine still neglect these rules, leading to tragic consequences.


Statistics once again confirm: complying with traffic regulations for child transportation is not just a legal requirement but a necessary condition for saving lives!




✔ Age no longer matters – height of 150 cm is the key factor.
✔ Children under 3 years old can be transported in the front seat only in a rear-facing car seat.
✔ The car seat must meet safety standards and match the child’s height.
✔ The fine for violations ranges from 510 to 850 UAH.
✔ Car seats save lives – accident statistics confirm this.


how to transport children in a car


👉 The responsibility for children's safety in transport lies with every driver. Take care of your young passengers and follow the rules! 🚗👶🔒
