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Antiseptic saves not only from microbes








Since the days when horse-drawn carriages replaced cars, car owners around the world have come up with a lot of bombastic ways to make their lives easier.

Alin is ready to open to you the whole world of life hacks for motorists who have hardly met you in your life. So catch the first one.

We are sure that each of you has a favorite antiseptic in your pocket, without which, today it is quite difficult to imagine your life. Did you know that this miracle remedy not only copes well with disinfection?

That's right, ice from the lock of your car can be removed with a well-known disinfectant. Everyone knows that in winter the car lock can be covered with ice. If you apply a little hand sanitizer on the car key, it will easily melt the ice. Yes, alcohol and the substances contained in it, not only kill germs on the hands, but also melt real ice.

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